Intellectual property (IP) law is the field of legal research and protection that covers creations like stories, ideas, inventions, and movies. Lawyers who work in IP help their clients through the legal processes of protecting creations and preventing others from stealing their work. IP lawyers need strong attention to detail and research skills to handle …
You know you want a job that deals with money and numbers. If you get a job in finance or accounting, you’ll be doing just that. But how do you choose? What’s the difference between finance vs. accounting? While both career paths involve money, the main difference is how each type of professional manages that …
Finance vs. Accounting: Which Career Path Is Right For Me? Quiz Read More »
Accounting is a great career path for people interested in finance who want to help businesses or people with their financial accounts. Yet there are so many options for accounting careers depending on who you’re interested in working for, what accounting skills you want to use, and your career goals. Do you want to focus …
As someone who’s been on both sides of an interview, I’ve heard a lot of things that were better left unsaid. I’m sure the speaker meant well (usually), but nerves just got in the way (guilty as charged!). But sometimes silence makes us uncomfortable, and in a rush to say something — anything — we …
Interview Angst? Here’s What Not to Say in an Interview Read More »
The job search is exciting because there are so many options for what you can do — but for the same reason, it can also be overwhelming. How can you figure out what you want to do if you don’t know what the job will be like? That’s where job shadowing comes in. Job shadowing …
What is Job Shadowing? Definition, Benefits, and How to Set It Up Read More »
An Oliver Wyman internship allows undergraduate students to discover career paths in management consulting and actuarial sciences. Through these programs, students explore what it’s like to help Fortune 1000 clients solve complex problems. In this guide, we go over the internship and early-career opportunities at Oliver Wyman and provide you with tips for applying and …
Oliver Wyman Internships: Programs and Application Tips Read More »
The marketing career path is unique because it’s fitting for people with all types of interests and strengths. For example, very creative people might apply their writing skills to marketing careers in copywriting or email marketing. Data-oriented people in the field may use their technical skills to determine what marketing campaigns perform best. Marketing careers …
Women in tech careers have been advancing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) for ages. With women’s insights and hard work, the world has grown into a technological marvel early STEM pioneers could only dream of. However, women’s existence in the technology space has never been easy, and to this day, there’s a great deal …
With all the talk about artificial intelligence (AI) taking over the world, you may be wondering what the difference is between all the concepts being tossed around these days: machine learning vs. AI or AI vs. machine learning vs. deep learning. What do all these things mean, and how are they different? Or are they …
While loving your job and doing something you enjoy is important, so is paying the bills. And while you want a job that pays you enough to cover those expenses, you may want a salary that ensures you have a little extra at the end of the month. Jobs that pay $200k a year fit …