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Is Business Services a Good Career Path?

Business services is a broad career category that includes sectors like information technology, engineering, architecture, law, advertising, marketing, staffing, consulting, facilities management, waste management, shipping, and security. Are you conducting career planning and wondering: Is business services a good career path? What Is Business Services? The business services industry in the U.S. consists of about …

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business services specialist
Guide to Working at PwC

PwC is one of the most well-known professional services companies in the U.S. and is the second-largest of the Big Four accounting firms in terms of revenue. Have you considered working at PwC? In this guide, we cover information about internship opportunities, typical salaries, company culture, and more. What Is PwC? PwC, also known as …

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What Is Career Planning?

You may think that a successful career is equal parts hard work and being in the right place at the right time. And while hard work often plays a role, having the career you want is less about luck and more about career planning. Crafting a career plan allows you to set the course you …

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What Are Soft Skills? Definition and Examples

Soft skills are non-technical skills that describe how you work and interact with others. Unlike hard skills, they’re not necessarily something you’ll learn in a course, like data analytics or programming skills. Instead, they’re something you often build through experience. Soft skills reflect your communication style, work ethic, and work style.  Showcase new skills Build …

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woman looking at resume