When applying for a job, you should use a combination of hard and soft skills to convince the recruiter you’re the right fit. But what are hard skills vs. soft skills? Hard skills are measurable and are often specific to the job or industry. Meanwhile, soft skills are typically vague and apply to more professions. …
Whether you’re applying for an internship, a summer job, or your first post-college role, you may have wondered how long a resume should be. Some advice says a resume should always be one-page long and no longer. Other experts claim a resume can be two pages long some of the time but never one-and-a-half pages …
Have you ever thought, “I don’t deserve this,” or “I have no idea what I’m doing — is someone going to call me out for being a fraud?” That could be imposter syndrome talking. Imposter syndrome happens when you feel uncertain or doubtful about yourself. This phenomenon is quite common in the workplace, and can …
What Is Imposter Syndrome? Definition and Ways to Overcome It Read More »
“I want the opportunity to prove myself, I know I can do something bigger.” Kwadwo is always on the hunt for ways to improve his knowledge and to put himself in a better spot for landing a job. After working in Ghana for years, he is determined to find his place in the UK professional …
Kwadwo Aning: Furthering Risk Management Skills with Aon Read More »
When leaving high school, Emma was faced with the age-old challenge of choosing what to study in college. Emma’s teachers recognized her strength in math and science, and encouraged her to explore engineering. This sounded like an interesting career, but Emma recalls having no idea what an engineer actually did: “Was it like a train …
When Nana Kessie first decided he wanted to be a lawyer, he thought it sounded like a cool career with great opportunities for personal and professional development. However, when he enrolled at Howard University Law School, he realized a career in law could be so much more. A Career That Gives Back Howard University’s strong …
“Although I achieved a first-class in my law degree, I had a lack of understanding of how to gain access to the legal industry or what it took to become a lawyer.” Although Dorothy has always been interested in a career in law, she worked a few years in the banking industry before actually pursuing …
One of the best ways to appeal to prospective employers is to show that you have already demonstrated the skills you need to succeed in a working environment. There are many different ways of doing this, so it can be confusing to choose which is the best option. Here are seven different potential ways you …
Alvin Fan is an intellectually curious and motivated economics and philosophy graduate of Brown University. Like many, Alvin chose his degree out of an interest in learning rather than with a specific career in mind. He spent his early university years exploring what career opportunities might be available through chatting with other students, participating in …
After your final interview, you cross your fingers, hold your breath, and hope you’ll receive good news. But despite all of your preparation and hard work, the company has “decided to go with another candidate.“ Sigh. It’s tough to come so close and not get the job. But you may be able to make lemonade …
How to Ask for Feedback After Being Rejected for the Job Read More »