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Computer Science vs. Software Engineering: What Career Path Is Right for Me? Quiz

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While computer science and software engineering both deal with computers, they’re two different fields of study and career paths. Computer science is more of a generalist field, focused on how computers work; software engineering is a subset of computer science, focused on applying computer principles to develop software. 

So, which one is right for you — computer science vs. software engineering? In this guide, we’ll discuss critical differences and then give you a fun, quick quiz to help you decide which career path best fits your skills, interests, and personality. 

What Is Computer Science?

Computer science (CS) is the study of computers and computation systems. People who study and work in computer science focus on the theoretical foundations of computing — also known as the principles that make computers work. 

“Computer science is more about understanding the ‘why’ behind technology, diving into algorithms, data structures, and the theory that powers everything,” says Jigyasa Grover, GenAI and research lead. “It’s like getting under the hood of a car and knowing exactly how each part works.”

Computer science is a broad, generalist field of technology with many different academic and career applications. For example, you might focus on core computer science topics like algorithms and data structures, programming languages, and computer architecture. Or, you may pursue applications of computer science like artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, or software engineering.

BCG logo on building

Data Science

Use data to advise a hypothetical client, PowerCo, on how to retain their customers.

Avg. Time: 6-7 hours

Skills you’ll build: Programming, business understanding, exploratory data analysis, data visualization

Computer Science Jobs

Computer science job titles vary based on the type of computer science application you choose, such as cybersecurity or data analytics. Job titles include:

>>MORE: Top 16+ Jobs for Computer Science Majors in 2024

What Is Software Engineering?

Software engineering focuses specifically on software, or the set of instructions we give computers to tell them how to function. Software engineering is more practical than computer science; it builds upon the theoretical knowledge of computer science to focus on designing, developing, and maintaining software. 

If computer science is the “why,” software engineering is the “how,” says Grover. “It’s the craft of building and shipping products — taking those theoretical concepts and making them work in real-world applications.”

Software engineers create the blueprint for software systems and use various software development methodologies to build software efficiently. Once the software is built, they test it to ensure it functions as intended, then deploy it and maintain and update it as needed.

Software Engineering

Apply basic software engineering skills to create a basic web app, a microservice that helps users find car rentals and hotels, and an Android app to display a user's flight itinerary. 

Avg. Time: 6-7 hours

Skills you’ll build: JavaScript, React, Backpack, Java, Android development, Figma, Jira

Software Engineering Jobs

Software engineering jobs vary depending on what part of the software you’re working on. 

Common job titles include:

>>MORE: Types of Software Engineers (and How to Know Which One’s Right for You)

Key Differences Between Computer Science vs. Software Engineering

The main difference between computer science and software engineering is how professionals in these career paths interact with computing principles. 

“If you’re passionate about solving abstract problems, enjoy diving deep into theory, and possibly see yourself in academia or research, computer science might be the right path,” says Sujan Abraham, a software engineer with more than 15 years of experience. “However, if you thrive on building tangible products, enjoy seeing the direct impact of your work, and want to be involved in the end-to-end process of creating software, software engineering could be a better fit. Specifically, if you like working on large-scale systems, dealing with challenges like data processing, search scalability, and integrating AI models to enhance user experience, software engineering will provide the hands-on experiences you’re looking for.”


What’s the difference between a computer science vs. software engineering degree? Computer science degrees focus on the theoretical foundations of computing, while software engineering is more practical. 

With a computer science degree, you’ll get a general overview of how computers work, including topics like computational principles, programming languages, data structures, and algorithms.

With a software engineering degree, you’ll likely learn similar topics but focus on the concrete applications of these principles and theories. For example, you might learn about programming languages too, but specifically how to use them to build software.

Both computer science and software engineering degrees can equip you to succeed in technical careers that focus on computers and software. A computer science degree might be a better fit if you’re looking for something more general and focused more on theory. Software engineering may be a better major if you’re looking for something more practical and specific to software development.

>>MORE: ‘What Should I Major In?’ Quiz


There are a few software engineering-specific certifications that software engineers can get to demonstrate their technical expertise:

  • Certified Software Development Professional: a certification from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers that requires a degree, a couple of years of professional experience, and passing an exam
  • Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional: a certification that demonstrates your proficiency in developing software throughout its lifecycle that requires passing an exam and four years of experience

On the other hand, computer science certifications differ based on what you specialize in with your computer science knowledge. For example:

  • If you go into data science, you might pursue certifications like System Applications and Products in Data Processing (SAP), Certified Technology Associate, or Certified Analytics Professional (CAP)
  • If you go into cybersecurity, you might pursue certifications like CompTIA Security+ or Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  • If you go into cloud computing, you might pursue certifications like AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional or Microsoft Certified Azure Solutions Architect Expert

These certifications aren’t necessarily required to land a role in the field; however, as you progress in your career, they can be helpful for advancement, including higher salaries, promotions, and other roles.


Both computer science and software engineering career paths require strong technical skills and knowledge of how computers work, as well as soft skills like problem-solving and analytical skills.

Computer science-specific skills are more foundational and theoretical and can be applied to a variety of industries:

  • Theoretical computer science: the fundamentals of computation and how computers work
  • Algorithms and data structures: understanding the instructions a computer uses to solve a specific problem and how data is organized, stored, and manipulated
  • Networking: understanding network protocols, data transmission, and network security
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning: designing and implementing systems that can learn and make decisions
  • Mathematics for computing: proficiency in discrete mathematics, linear algebra, and probability
  • Cryptography: understanding how to secure information through encryption and decryption techniques
  • Programming languages: proficiency in multiple programming languages and paradigms

Software engineering-specific skills are more tactical:

  • Software design and architecture: understanding how to design and maintain software systems
  • Software development lifecycle: knowing the phases of software development, including design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance
  • Programming languages: proficiency in multiple programming languages
  • Project management: being able to plan and execute projects efficiently and effectively
  • Version control: managing changes to source code and tracking project history
  • Testing and debugging: knowing how to test software for functionality and reliability
  • DevOps: collaborative and iterative process of developing software
  • UX design: designing software with a focus on the user experience, including usability and accessibility
  • Security engineering: designing and implementing secure software systems to protect against vulnerabilities and attacks
  • Collaboration: ability to work well with other software engineers

While both roles require a strong foundation in programming and problem-solving, software engineering leans more towards the practical application of building software and working in teams. Computer science often involves more theoretical and research-oriented work.

Salary and Job Outlook

Computer science and software engineering are career paths with high salaries and strong job outlooks. 

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), computer and information research scientists have a mean annual wage of $157,160. The job outlook for these roles is particularly strong, with a 23% projected percentage change in employment from 2022 to 2032.

Software developers, quality assurance analysts, and testers — including software engineers — have a similarly strong job outlook, with a 25% projected percentage change. These positions are also lucrative, with a mean annual wage of $138,110.

So, do computer science or software engineering careers offer better salaries? Both career paths have competitive salaries. Your salary depends most on what type of computer science or software engineering you go into. For example, data scientists have a mean annual wage of $119,040; machine learning engineers have an average of $128,769

Work Environment

One of the main differences between computer science and software engineering careers is their work environment. 

Computer science roles may involve more theoretical and research-focused tasks. Because of this, you may work in more academic and research companies with more independent work environments.

Software engineering roles, on the other hand, are more practical and application-focused. They are commonly found in tech companies, which may be fast-paced and require more collaboration and coordination. 

Software Engineering vs. Computer Science: The Breakdown

Software EngineeringComputer Science
EducationFocuses on practical applications of computing principles. Emphasizes building and maintaining software systemsFocuses on theoretical foundations of computing. Includes topics like computational principles, data structures, algorithms, and programming languages
CertificationGeneral certifications include Certified Software Development Professional and  Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional — varied certifications by type of software engineeringNo general certifications — vary by specialization
SkillsPractical applications of how to build, test, and maintain software, as well as collaborating with other software engineersTheoretical understanding of computer fundamentals and mathematics
Salary Lucrative; exactly salary ranges depend on the type of software engineeringLucrative; exactly salary ranges depend on the computer science niche you choose
Job OutlookMuch faster than averageMuch faster than average
Work environmentCollaborative and hands-on, often in fast-paced tech companiesIndependent and focused, often in academic or research environments 

Computer Science vs. Software Engineering: Which One Is Right for You? Quiz

Now that you know the differences between computer science vs. software engineering, it’s time to figure out which one is right for you. Take this quiz to find out. It’s completely free — you’ll just need to sign up to get your results!

1. I prefer working on abstract problems and puzzles.
2. I prefer hands-on projects to theoretical concepts.
3. I enjoy working independently on complex problems.
4. I am interested in the ethical implications of technology.
5. When I'm given a problem, I break it down into smaller parts.
6. I thrive in fast-paced, dynamic environments.
7. I prefer structured tasks with clear guidelines.
8. I am more interested in the process than the outcome.
9. I prefer working on projects that have a clear end goal.
10. I thrive in a collaborative team environment.
11. To figure out how something works, I'd take it all apart, then put it back together.
12. I’d rather complete a hands-on project than write a research paper.
13. Mystery and ambiguity excites me.
14. I work better when I work in a team.
15. I like it when there’s a clear right or wrong answer.
16. I see the details over the big picture.
17. I’d rather learn something no one’s realized before than make something no one’s created before.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

The Bottom Line

Computer science and software engineering are both careers that deal with computers but focus on different aspects. Computer science is the “why” of technology, understanding the theoretical foundations behind computers. Software engineering is the “how,” focusing on how to apply these foundations in practice through software development.

Whether to pursue a career in software engineering or computer science depends on what kind of work environment you’re looking for and how you want to apply your knowledge. Software engineering roles are typically more fast-paced, collaborative, and practical. Computer science roles vary depending on the niche you choose to pursue but usually require more independent and research-focused tasks. 

“Follow your curiosity!” says Grover. “If you love understanding the nitty-gritty of how things work at a fundamental level, computer science might be your thing. But if you’re more excited about building something tangible and seeing your code come to life in products people use, then software engineering could be your jam. Personally, I found a balance by leaning into both areas — starting with a strong CS foundation and then applying that knowledge to solve real-world problems in software engineering roles. It’s totally okay to explore both and then specialize as you figure out what excites you most.”

Image credit: Canva

Zoe Kaplan is a Senior Writer at Forage. Prior to joining Forage, she wrote and edited career and workplace content for Fairygodboss, the largest career community for women.

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