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What is UX Design?

What’s your experience while reading this blog post? Do you find it easy to read and navigate the page? How you experience a website, app, service, or product is your user experience. There’s a whole industry dedicated to making our interactions with these things easier, more efficient, and better designed: UX design. If you’re interested …

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hand-drawn ux design mockup of a website page
What Is a Data Analyst?

A data analyst is a problem solver who prepares and analyzes data to provide organizations with insights that help them make better business decisions. If you’re interested in a tech career involving both technical skills and interesting challenges, a career in data analytics may be a perfect fit for you.  So, what does a data …

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What is a data analyst?
What Is DevOps? Definition, Benefits, and How to Learn

DevOps is a software development methodology that helps teams deliver software through an iterative, collaborative process. It’s not only an efficient way to develop software, it’s also a philosophy that software engineering teams use to build a collaborative workplace culture. So, what is DevOps, and how do professionals use it? What are the benefits? How …

What Is DevOps? Definition, Benefits, and How to Learn Read More »

Team working together in an office with computers on the table.
Data Engineer vs. Data Scientist: What’s the Difference?

Being a data engineer vs. data scientist means choosing between focusing on the construction of data storage solutions or on the analysis of data itself. While a career in data engineering involves primarily technical skills, like coding and understanding data warehouse architectures, data science requires statistical analysis and business intelligence skills. If you’re interested in …

Data Engineer vs. Data Scientist: What’s the Difference? Read More »

Data engineer versus data scientist: what is the difference?
What Is Data Analytics?

Data analytics is a technology field that helps individuals and organizations make sense of the data that analysts collect, organize, and analyze. This career requires technical expertise to analyze and visualize data to help improve company decision-making and performance. Want to learn more about data analytics and how to work in this growing field? This …

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What is data analytics?
What Is a Data Engineer?

A data engineer is a technology professional who builds storage solutions for vast amounts of data. These engineers are also responsible for creating the pipeline this data travels through: from input, to storage, to transformation into usable information. The need for reliable data storage and transformation is growing daily, so data engineers are becoming vital …

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What is a data engineer? What does a data engineer do?
Software Developer vs. Software Engineer: What’s the Difference?

“Software developer” and “software engineer” are commonly used terms in the software engineering industry. But is there a difference between a software developer vs. a software engineer, and if so, what is it? While some companies and professionals use the terms interchangeably, there are distinctions between each role’s focus. Both software developers and software engineers …

Software Developer vs. Software Engineer: What’s the Difference? Read More »

What Is Data Engineering?

Data engineering involves building storage solutions for massive amounts of data and then finding ways to transform this data into useful information. Practically every industry relies on data engineers, and this reliance is only growing as the need for data-driven decision-making becomes more necessary.  But what actually is data engineering? In this guide, we’ll go …

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Engineers using computer to assess a data engineering project
What Is a Back-End Developer?

You’re signing up for yet another service and entering your email for what feels like the hundredth time. Where does that information go? Is it secure? Who manages that? Back-end developers are software professionals who work on the parts of software that keep it up and running but the average user can’t see. So, what …

What Is a Back-End Developer? Read More »

back end developer looking at lines of code on a laptop screen
What Is a Full-Stack Engineer?

Full-stack engineers are the renaissance people of software engineering. They do it all, from working with clients to understand their vision of software, to developing on the back end, to testing and releasing the software. So if you’re interested in being a software engineer who works on a broad spectrum of tasks and types of …

What Is a Full-Stack Engineer? Read More »

full-stack engineer sitting in front of three computer screens with code