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Deliver innovative and technology-enabled legal services to our clients with Ashurst Advance!

Law Free 100+ 5 Star Reviews

Get Career Ready

Complete work that simulates life on the job. 3-4 hours and self-paced.
Stand out in your application to Ashurst. Show us you're a motivated candidate.

Why complete our Job Simulation

A risk-free way to experience work on the job with us at Ashurst. Practice your skills with example tasks and build your confidence to ace your applications.

Welcome to the Ashurst Advance Job Simulation! We are so excited to have you here! 

Ashurst is a leading global law firm with a history spanning almost 200 years, and clear strategy for our future growth. Ashurst Advance is the NewLaw division of the firm that works alongside Ashurst's legal experts to solve our clients' business problems through optimal efficiency, cost effectiveness and digitally innovative legal service delivery.

During this programme, you will get the opportunity to step into the shoes of an Ashurst team member and complete tasks that replicate the work that our Advance team does every day. You’ll learn how to shape and manage a NewLaw service delivery model for a client's lending project.

We hope this programme provides a great resource for you to up-skill and strengthen your resume as you explore career options and a potential career at Ashurst!

Skills you will learn and practice:
Commercial Awareness
Project Management
Research Skills
Communication Skills
Email Drafting
Contract Automation
Process Diagram Drafting
Attention to Detail

How it works

Complete tasks guided by pre-recorded videos and example answers from our team at Ashurst. No live sessions, all self-paced.
Earn a certificate and add it to your resume and LinkedIn as an extra curricular activity.
Stand out in applications. Confidently answer interview questions and explain why you’re a good fit for our team.
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Introduction from Ashurst

Explore Our Job Sims

Tasks in this program

Task One: Help Your Client Plan a New Major Project
30-60 mins
Learn about NewLaw service models and advise your client at a project kick-off meeting.
What you'll learn
  • NewLaw service models
What you'll do
  • Advise a client on a project kick-off meeting


Over 100
5 Star Reviews
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