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Power BI

Get your Power BI skills in shape with PwC.

Data Free 29000+ 5 Star Reviews

Get Career Ready

Complete work that simulates life on the job. 5-6 hours and self-paced.
Stand out in your application to PwC Switzerland. Show us you're a motivated candidate.

Why complete our Job Simulation

A risk-free way to experience work on the job with us at PwC Switzerland. Practice your skills with example tasks and build your confidence to ace your applications.

Fiddling around in Excel sheets just doesn’t suit a digital jedi. In Switzerland, PwC’s Digital Upskilling Academy helps our people move from zero to digital hero. PwC is upskilling 284,000 people because the right digital skills make us agile, adaptable and fit for the future.

We use powerful Data Analytics tools to help solve business problems for our clients. Learning to master Power BI is a good first step. By empowering you to identify patterns, risks and opportunities in data, you will work more efficiently. You will be able to clearly visualise the value of data and turn it into convincing, actionable insights.

Skills you will learn and practice:
Defining KPIs
Power BI Dashboard
Power BI
Insights and Actions
Calculating Measures
Insight and Actions

How it works

Complete tasks guided by pre-recorded videos and example answers from our team at PwC Switzerland. No live sessions, all self-paced.
Earn a certificate and add it to your resume and LinkedIn as an extra curricular activity.
Stand out in applications. Confidently answer interview questions and explain why you’re a good fit for our team.
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Introduction from PwC Switzerland

Explore Our Job Sims

Tasks in this program

Task One: Introduction
30-60 mins
What you'll learn
  • The importance of digital transformation and upskilling in today's business landscape.
  • The purpose and goals of the Digital Accelerator program.
What you'll do
  • Watch videos on digital upskilling and the journey of driving a digital mindset.
  • Reflect on the provided self-reflection question and respond in the text field.


Over 29000
5 Star Reviews
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