Over 83005 Star Reviews
"I am extremely thankful to the ANZ team for providing such great platform and opportunity to complete the online free, real-world and career-oriented program. Really appreciated to the ANZ Security Manager for constructing the organised and relevant online tasks."-- Student
"Everything, honestly. The first task was easy but did bring about some challenges which encouraged critical thinking. The 2nd task was where the brain juicer was at. I loved the exercise, it got me frustrated but in a good way to seek out answers and solutions. It was challenging enough to stimulate but not too much where I have no idea what to do."-- Student from University of Melbourne
"It was such a great experience to practice the tasks and also it given many information. It was really a good choice which i took."-- Student from Bharathiar University
"I enjoyed completing this virtual internship! It was great that there was two components, a more technical component (task 2) and the not so technical phishing email component (task 1)."-- Student from La Trobe University
"This was a very useful course for me, which helped me vastly to enhance my skills and allow me to expand my knowlegde."-- Student from Aston University
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