Over 316505 Star Reviews
"okey , i wanted to work on large data and with this opportunity i got to experience and handle large amount of data and i also like the task i really enjoy it and also very beneficial task , between this task i build my knowledge in the power bi field"-- Student from Savitribai Phule Pune University
"I liked the way PWC also showed us about the model answer after solving which gave us insights and we did use similar ideas in the upcoming assignments to make our dashboards look better"-- Student from Syracuse University
"I did not have any prior experience of using PowerBI and after this experience, I am much more confident of using it and understand certain fundamental aspects of the application."-- High School Student
"I like your provided dataset and task. I have learned alot from this virtual training. I would like to become a part of your data analyst team. thanks PWC australia for introducing this course.
Regards: Obaid Hameed"-- Student from Federal Urdu University of Arts,Science and Technology
"PWC can refer to different contexts depending on the field. If you're referring to PWC as in PricewaterhouseCoopers, the global professional services firm, then what's important in this context would include:
Professionalism and Integrity: Maintaining high ethical standards and professional conduct is crucial in providing reliable and trustworthy..."-- Student from My institution is not listed
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